วันเสาร์ที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

Config Interface and Static IP on Ubuntu

Config Interface and Static IP on Ubuntu

- go to file /etc/network/interfaces
- set ip static for interface eth0
 * iface eth0 inet static
- set ip address
 * address <ip>
- set subnet mask
 * netmask <subnet mask>
- set default-gateway
 * gateway <ip default-gateway>
- set dns server
 * dns-nameservers <ip-dns>

- after set all config , press 'Ctrl + X' for exit from this file
- then, answer 'Y' for save file and press 'Enter' for overwrite this file

- Restart network service
 * sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

- Check config interface
 * ifconfig -a

- If early setting can't save to current config , then reboot os
- enter to root
 * sudo su -
- reboot os
 * reboot

